Vue Landing Page Template

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VueJS is an outstanding and modern Javascript framework for building user-friendly web interfaces for all sorts of web applications. Web applications based on VueJS templates can be used on multiple platforms as they are 100% responsive. So, in this article we are going to present 30 best VueJS templates of 2021, which you can use for various niches as per your requirements.

Open Changelog A powerful admin dashboard template built especially for developers. Vuexy – Vuejs, React, Angular, HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer friendly & highly customisable Admin Dashboard Template based on Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap Vue & Reactstrap. Wordpress resume carousel app starter one page under construction coming soon HTML5 portfolio Designstub free mobile landing page landing page angular animated react premium angle paid backbone joomla drupal rails slider parallax gallery facebook social affix video map form login google-maps sidebar bootstrap restaurant flat responsive nav.

Aeroland – Vue JS App & Saas Landing Page Template


Aeroland is a VueJS Template that comes with dozens of powerful features. It is a multi-purpose landing page template. Some of its features include 5 different home page layouts, 100% responsive design, 12+ aeroland elements, 600+ Google web fonts, fixed footer, off sidebar, slick slider, clean and unique design, working contact form, detailed documentation, etc.

Aeroland comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Fantasic – Vue JS App Landing Page Template

Fantasic is a VueJS template. It has a stunning and beautifully crafted design. It is a multi-purpose app landing page. Fantasic comes with multiple features. Some of its features include Vue Platform, 5 different home page variations, fast loading, clean code, valid HTML5/CSS3, Webpack & Babel, 1000+ icon fonts, 100% responsive design, speed optimized, detailed documentation, cross-browser support, pixel perfect design, Google web fonts, cross-browser support, easy customization, free updates, etc.

All these wonderful features of Fantasic VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Gothic – Architecture Vue Nuxt JS Template

Give the best in building magnificent and user-friendly web user interfaces to showcase your architecture projects so you can reap what you sow. Gothic is a flexible and unique Vue Nuxt JS template that will provide you with unlimited possibilities in creating your website for architecture firms, interior designers, and anyone involved in construction and engineering. The template incorporates a fully responsive interface that adjusts to all device screens easily. Some of the cool features of this template include Icon font, Google Fonts, SEO-friendly code, No console error, and well documentation.

All these amenities of this modern Architecture Vue.JS template are available at a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Exomac – Corporate Business Vue Nuxt JS Template

If you are looking for a suitable Vue JS-based corporate business web template, you have come to the right place. Exomac is a perfect Vue JS-based web template for business and corporate company websites. It has the right combination of components, elements, design, and functionality. This modern Vue.JS Template is adorned with 11 webpages with 3 homepage variations. You will find it flexible to work with since the template doesn't have JQuery dependency. It also has a fully responsive design ensuring an impeccable performance across all screen sizes. Some other remarkable features include Beautiful and Unique Design, Google Font & Local font for beautiful typography, Well Documented, Valid Component, Clean and commented code, and many more.

All these amenities of this modern Architecture Vue.JS template are available at a regular license fee of just USD 17.

MaxCoach – Online Courses & Education Vue Nuxt JS Template

MaxCoach – Online Courses & Education Vue Nuxt JS Template
If you want to have an interactive interface in your online courses and education website, you better opt for a well-functional and sophisticated education Vue JS template like Maxcoach. Aiming to provide a perfect solution for your online educational needs, this stunning Vue JS template comes with lots of amazing features at your disposal. You will find Google Font, Swiper Slider, Sticky Sidebar, Cross Browser Support, SEO Friendly codebase, No console error, and many more. Powered with the latest version of Vue JS and Nuxt JS, this comprehensive education Vue JS template has 50+ webpages in total with 9+ home variations.

MaxCoach – Online Courses & Education Vue Nuxt JS Template is available at a regular license fee of 24 USD only.

Brook – Creative Multipurpose Vue Nuxt JS Template

If you are searching for a multi-purpose Vue JS template, Brook is worth checking out. This wonderful and flexible Vue Nuxt JS template includes 25+ stunning homepages at your disposal. Brook Vue JS template rocks many great features that will help save additional time and raise your potential at the same time. From customizable home-pages, 21+ blogs & portfolio layouts to Cross-Browser Compatibility, Progressive web image, and no console error, Brook has it all available.

All the amenities of this versatile Vue JS web template are available at a regular license fee of 24 USD only.

Mitech – Vue Nuxt JS Technology & Blog Template

Mitech is a magnificent resource built based on the Vue Nuxt JS technology. It will help you craft a professional technology blog website in little to no time. It provides you with 6 unique layouts of different types. Also, it comes with 3 Header Styles, 15+ Sections and 2+ Footer styles, etc. Mitech has an elegant-looking design coupled with tons of features that give you unlimited possibilities when creating a sophisticated website. Some of the cool features in this template include Dynamic Blog, Clean Code, Font Awesome Icons, Cross Browser Support, Well Documentation, and so on.

All these specialties are available at a regular license fee of 24 USD only.

Castro – Vue JS Construction Template

Building a dedicated Vue JS-based construction web template happens quicker with the right template. In this regard, Castro would be the right choice. Instead of doing all the work from square one, you can expedite the process of your construction website creation with this unique construction VUE JS template. It is a remarkable tool with a horde of treats that will do you really well. Some notable amenities you will find in this template include Vue CLI, Vue Router, Webpack & Babel, Valid HTML5 / CSS3, 1000+ icon font, W3C Validated Code, Cross Browser Support, Speed Optimized, and so on.

You can purchase this unique construction Vue JS template at a regular license fee of just 24 USD.

Clean UI Vue Pro — Multi-Concept Admin Template

Clean UI Vue Pro is a 100% responsive multi-purpose admin dashboard VueJS template. It is a multi-concept template that comes packed with many essential features. Some of its features include 50+ pages, 80+ UI features, Bootstrap, Ant Design UI Kits, 70+ useful components, detailed documentation, solid extendable architecture, 24/7 premium support, compatible with electron and cordova, VUEX store, firebase authorization, code splitting, dynamic import, CSS Modules plugin, Performance optimizations, 3 icon packs, light and dark templates, layout settings, cross-browser support, etc.

All these wonderful features of Clean UI Vue Pro comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Sofbox – Vue JS Software Landing Page

Sofbox is a VueJS template. It comes packed with multiple features. Some of those features include 100% responsive modular design, detailed documentation, easy to customize, clean code, awesome sections, cross-browser support, component base, Vue Router, hover effects, Google Maps, Retina Ready, Sticky Menus, 8+ home page layouts, 5+ header styles, SSR and SPA support, Free Google Fonts, etc.

All these features of Sofbox VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 19.

Tovo – Vue JS App Landing Page

Tovo is a VueJS Template. It has a modern and clean design which is most suitable for making any kind of app landing page. Tovo comes packed with many essential features. Some of its features include 100% responsive design, 3 different home page layout, 3 pre-built color presets, Google Font, Free icons, pixel perfect design, Vue bootstrap framework, unique design, detailed documentation, etc.

All these great features of Tovo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Chatloop – Vue JS App Landing Page

Chatloop is a VueJS template. It is one of the best app landing page templates which has a unique and beautiful design. It comes packed with many essential features. Some of its features include Vue Bootstrap Framework, webpack, and babel, Google web fonts, pixel perfect design, Free icons, 100% responsive design, easy customization, valid HTML5/CSS3, etc.

Chatloop VueJS template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 21.

Skote – Vuejs Admin & Dashboard Template

Skote is a VueJS template. Skote is an admin dashboard template that has a clean and minimal design. It comes with multiple features. Some of its features include dark and light versions, RTL options, Firebase authentication, multiple layouts, 100% responsive layout, clean and well-commented code, W3C validated code, 3 different types of charts, E-commerce product, orders, customers, cart, checkout, shops, and pages, etc.

All these features of Skote VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Orbiter – Bootstrap + Laravel + Vue Minimal & Clean Admin Template

Orbiter is a VueJS template. It is based on the latest bootstrap version and the latest laravel version. It comes packed with multiple features. Some of its features include 100% responsive design, multi-purpose use, UI Kits, creative widgets, useful plugins, authentication pages, 7+ Icons sets, 100+ pages, 3+ unique dashboard layouts, vertical layout, horizontal layouts, easy customization, clean code, detailed documentation, W3C validation, cross-browser support, etc.

All these features of Orbiter VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 14.

Dexam – Vuejs + Html SaaS, Startup & Product Landing Page

Dexam is a VueJS Template. It is a multi-purpose template most suitable for making a product landing/showcase page. It comes with many essential features. Some of its features include 100% responsive and clean design, contact form section, 11 different and unique demos, pricing sections, product features section, team section, FAQ section, 2 blog section, 2 testimonial section, 2 features section, 2 work section, 2 service section, Intro section with 10 variations, blog section with 2 variations, 20+ color variations, etc.

All these features of Dexam come with a regular license fee of just USD 9.

Gull – Vuejs & HTML Admin Dashboard Template

Gull is a next-generation VueJS template. It is an admin dashboard template that comes with multiple essential features. Some of its features include 4 dashboard versions, dark and light versions, 100% responsive design, 200+ card widgets, custom loading buttons, form wizard, custom switch, radio and checkboxes, modal dialog, detailed online documentation, 2000+ premium icons, multi-lingual support, etc.

Gull with its wonderful features comes with a regular license fee of just USD 18.

Ubold – Admin & Dashboard Template

Ubold is a VueJS template. It comes with multiple features. Some of its features include 100% responsive design, detailed documentation, 1800+ pages, 500+ UI Components, 110+ charts, 6+ built-in apps, RTL & LTR support, 3000+ font icons, error pages, CRM and eCommerce applications, etc.

Ubold is a wonderful VueJS template that comes with a regular license fee of just USD 29.

Shreyu – Admin & Dashboard, Angular, React, Vue and Laravel

Shreyu is a VueJS template. It is an admin and dashboard template that helps to build a modern web application and includes Sass based interface, custom admin panels, dashboard, CRM, CMS, e-commerce panel, etc.

It also comes with many other features. Some of its features include Icons, Reusable widgets, apex charts, form wizards, advanced data tables, WYSIWYG editors, form wizards, easy development and customization, multiple navigations with extensive use of SCSS variables, etc.


Shreyu comes with a regular license fee of just USD 26.

Piaf – Vuejs Admin Template

Piaf is a VueJS template. It is an awesome admin template that comes with a lot of features. Some of its features include right-click menu, multi-language support, keyboard shortcuts, two panels menu, Icons mind Webfont, 10 color schemes, 4 dashboards, lots of components, 3 applications – survey, chat and todo, RTL support, video player, advanced validations, lightbox, etc.

All these wonderful features of Piaf comes with a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Multikart – Responsive Vuejs eCommerce Template


Multikart is a multipurpose eCommerce VueJS template. It is specially designed for making websites of online shops which sell a variety of products ranging from bags, mobile phones, fashion accessories, shoes, etc.

It comes packed with multiple features. Some of its features include SSR support, payment gateway option, Vue Validation, custom pagination, one-page checkout, Vue awesome slider, cart variations, advanced vue image gallery, font awesome & themify icons, color swatches, firebase authentication, PayPal and stripe payment gateway, 100% responsive design, blog pages, etc.

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Aeroland is a VueJS Template that comes with dozens of powerful features. It is a multi-purpose landing page template. Some of its features include 5 different home page layouts, 100% responsive design, 12+ aeroland elements, 600+ Google web fonts, fixed footer, off sidebar, slick slider, clean and unique design, working contact form, detailed documentation, etc.

Aeroland comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Fantasic – Vue JS App Landing Page Template

Fantasic is a VueJS template. It has a stunning and beautifully crafted design. It is a multi-purpose app landing page. Fantasic comes with multiple features. Some of its features include Vue Platform, 5 different home page variations, fast loading, clean code, valid HTML5/CSS3, Webpack & Babel, 1000+ icon fonts, 100% responsive design, speed optimized, detailed documentation, cross-browser support, pixel perfect design, Google web fonts, cross-browser support, easy customization, free updates, etc.

All these wonderful features of Fantasic VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Gothic – Architecture Vue Nuxt JS Template

Give the best in building magnificent and user-friendly web user interfaces to showcase your architecture projects so you can reap what you sow. Gothic is a flexible and unique Vue Nuxt JS template that will provide you with unlimited possibilities in creating your website for architecture firms, interior designers, and anyone involved in construction and engineering. The template incorporates a fully responsive interface that adjusts to all device screens easily. Some of the cool features of this template include Icon font, Google Fonts, SEO-friendly code, No console error, and well documentation.

All these amenities of this modern Architecture Vue.JS template are available at a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Exomac – Corporate Business Vue Nuxt JS Template

If you are looking for a suitable Vue JS-based corporate business web template, you have come to the right place. Exomac is a perfect Vue JS-based web template for business and corporate company websites. It has the right combination of components, elements, design, and functionality. This modern Vue.JS Template is adorned with 11 webpages with 3 homepage variations. You will find it flexible to work with since the template doesn't have JQuery dependency. It also has a fully responsive design ensuring an impeccable performance across all screen sizes. Some other remarkable features include Beautiful and Unique Design, Google Font & Local font for beautiful typography, Well Documented, Valid Component, Clean and commented code, and many more.

All these amenities of this modern Architecture Vue.JS template are available at a regular license fee of just USD 17.

MaxCoach – Online Courses & Education Vue Nuxt JS Template

MaxCoach – Online Courses & Education Vue Nuxt JS Template
If you want to have an interactive interface in your online courses and education website, you better opt for a well-functional and sophisticated education Vue JS template like Maxcoach. Aiming to provide a perfect solution for your online educational needs, this stunning Vue JS template comes with lots of amazing features at your disposal. You will find Google Font, Swiper Slider, Sticky Sidebar, Cross Browser Support, SEO Friendly codebase, No console error, and many more. Powered with the latest version of Vue JS and Nuxt JS, this comprehensive education Vue JS template has 50+ webpages in total with 9+ home variations.

MaxCoach – Online Courses & Education Vue Nuxt JS Template is available at a regular license fee of 24 USD only.

Brook – Creative Multipurpose Vue Nuxt JS Template

If you are searching for a multi-purpose Vue JS template, Brook is worth checking out. This wonderful and flexible Vue Nuxt JS template includes 25+ stunning homepages at your disposal. Brook Vue JS template rocks many great features that will help save additional time and raise your potential at the same time. From customizable home-pages, 21+ blogs & portfolio layouts to Cross-Browser Compatibility, Progressive web image, and no console error, Brook has it all available.

All the amenities of this versatile Vue JS web template are available at a regular license fee of 24 USD only.

Mitech – Vue Nuxt JS Technology & Blog Template

Mitech is a magnificent resource built based on the Vue Nuxt JS technology. It will help you craft a professional technology blog website in little to no time. It provides you with 6 unique layouts of different types. Also, it comes with 3 Header Styles, 15+ Sections and 2+ Footer styles, etc. Mitech has an elegant-looking design coupled with tons of features that give you unlimited possibilities when creating a sophisticated website. Some of the cool features in this template include Dynamic Blog, Clean Code, Font Awesome Icons, Cross Browser Support, Well Documentation, and so on.

All these specialties are available at a regular license fee of 24 USD only.

Castro – Vue JS Construction Template

Building a dedicated Vue JS-based construction web template happens quicker with the right template. In this regard, Castro would be the right choice. Instead of doing all the work from square one, you can expedite the process of your construction website creation with this unique construction VUE JS template. It is a remarkable tool with a horde of treats that will do you really well. Some notable amenities you will find in this template include Vue CLI, Vue Router, Webpack & Babel, Valid HTML5 / CSS3, 1000+ icon font, W3C Validated Code, Cross Browser Support, Speed Optimized, and so on.

You can purchase this unique construction Vue JS template at a regular license fee of just 24 USD.

Clean UI Vue Pro — Multi-Concept Admin Template

Clean UI Vue Pro is a 100% responsive multi-purpose admin dashboard VueJS template. It is a multi-concept template that comes packed with many essential features. Some of its features include 50+ pages, 80+ UI features, Bootstrap, Ant Design UI Kits, 70+ useful components, detailed documentation, solid extendable architecture, 24/7 premium support, compatible with electron and cordova, VUEX store, firebase authorization, code splitting, dynamic import, CSS Modules plugin, Performance optimizations, 3 icon packs, light and dark templates, layout settings, cross-browser support, etc.

All these wonderful features of Clean UI Vue Pro comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Sofbox – Vue JS Software Landing Page

Sofbox is a VueJS template. It comes packed with multiple features. Some of those features include 100% responsive modular design, detailed documentation, easy to customize, clean code, awesome sections, cross-browser support, component base, Vue Router, hover effects, Google Maps, Retina Ready, Sticky Menus, 8+ home page layouts, 5+ header styles, SSR and SPA support, Free Google Fonts, etc.

All these features of Sofbox VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 19.

Tovo – Vue JS App Landing Page

Tovo is a VueJS Template. It has a modern and clean design which is most suitable for making any kind of app landing page. Tovo comes packed with many essential features. Some of its features include 100% responsive design, 3 different home page layout, 3 pre-built color presets, Google Font, Free icons, pixel perfect design, Vue bootstrap framework, unique design, detailed documentation, etc.

All these great features of Tovo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Chatloop – Vue JS App Landing Page

Chatloop is a VueJS template. It is one of the best app landing page templates which has a unique and beautiful design. It comes packed with many essential features. Some of its features include Vue Bootstrap Framework, webpack, and babel, Google web fonts, pixel perfect design, Free icons, 100% responsive design, easy customization, valid HTML5/CSS3, etc.

Chatloop VueJS template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 21.

Skote – Vuejs Admin & Dashboard Template

Skote is a VueJS template. Skote is an admin dashboard template that has a clean and minimal design. It comes with multiple features. Some of its features include dark and light versions, RTL options, Firebase authentication, multiple layouts, 100% responsive layout, clean and well-commented code, W3C validated code, 3 different types of charts, E-commerce product, orders, customers, cart, checkout, shops, and pages, etc.

All these features of Skote VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Orbiter – Bootstrap + Laravel + Vue Minimal & Clean Admin Template

Orbiter is a VueJS template. It is based on the latest bootstrap version and the latest laravel version. It comes packed with multiple features. Some of its features include 100% responsive design, multi-purpose use, UI Kits, creative widgets, useful plugins, authentication pages, 7+ Icons sets, 100+ pages, 3+ unique dashboard layouts, vertical layout, horizontal layouts, easy customization, clean code, detailed documentation, W3C validation, cross-browser support, etc.

All these features of Orbiter VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 14.

Dexam – Vuejs + Html SaaS, Startup & Product Landing Page

Dexam is a VueJS Template. It is a multi-purpose template most suitable for making a product landing/showcase page. It comes with many essential features. Some of its features include 100% responsive and clean design, contact form section, 11 different and unique demos, pricing sections, product features section, team section, FAQ section, 2 blog section, 2 testimonial section, 2 features section, 2 work section, 2 service section, Intro section with 10 variations, blog section with 2 variations, 20+ color variations, etc.

All these features of Dexam come with a regular license fee of just USD 9.

Gull – Vuejs & HTML Admin Dashboard Template

Gull is a next-generation VueJS template. It is an admin dashboard template that comes with multiple essential features. Some of its features include 4 dashboard versions, dark and light versions, 100% responsive design, 200+ card widgets, custom loading buttons, form wizard, custom switch, radio and checkboxes, modal dialog, detailed online documentation, 2000+ premium icons, multi-lingual support, etc.

Gull with its wonderful features comes with a regular license fee of just USD 18.

Ubold – Admin & Dashboard Template

Ubold is a VueJS template. It comes with multiple features. Some of its features include 100% responsive design, detailed documentation, 1800+ pages, 500+ UI Components, 110+ charts, 6+ built-in apps, RTL & LTR support, 3000+ font icons, error pages, CRM and eCommerce applications, etc.

Ubold is a wonderful VueJS template that comes with a regular license fee of just USD 29.

Shreyu – Admin & Dashboard, Angular, React, Vue and Laravel

Shreyu is a VueJS template. It is an admin and dashboard template that helps to build a modern web application and includes Sass based interface, custom admin panels, dashboard, CRM, CMS, e-commerce panel, etc.

It also comes with many other features. Some of its features include Icons, Reusable widgets, apex charts, form wizards, advanced data tables, WYSIWYG editors, form wizards, easy development and customization, multiple navigations with extensive use of SCSS variables, etc.

Shreyu comes with a regular license fee of just USD 26.

Piaf – Vuejs Admin Template

Piaf is a VueJS template. It is an awesome admin template that comes with a lot of features. Some of its features include right-click menu, multi-language support, keyboard shortcuts, two panels menu, Icons mind Webfont, 10 color schemes, 4 dashboards, lots of components, 3 applications – survey, chat and todo, RTL support, video player, advanced validations, lightbox, etc.

All these wonderful features of Piaf comes with a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Multikart – Responsive Vuejs eCommerce Template

Multikart is a multipurpose eCommerce VueJS template. It is specially designed for making websites of online shops which sell a variety of products ranging from bags, mobile phones, fashion accessories, shoes, etc.

It comes packed with multiple features. Some of its features include SSR support, payment gateway option, Vue Validation, custom pagination, one-page checkout, Vue awesome slider, cart variations, advanced vue image gallery, font awesome & themify icons, color swatches, firebase authentication, PayPal and stripe payment gateway, 100% responsive design, blog pages, etc.

Multikart VueJS template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 32.

Clear – VueJS + Laravel Admin Template

Clear is a VueJS template. This admin template comes with 2 color variations and 5+ layout designs. It also has many other features. Some of its features include 100% responsive design, numerous charts, forms, widgets, calendar, Google fonts, Bootstrap, CSS3, 70+ pages, 4 icon families of 2000+ icons, etc.

Clear VueJS template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 25.

Endless – Vuejs Admin Template

Endless is a VueJS template. This admin template comes with many features and functionalities. It is one of the best admin templates for making your dream application.

Some of its features include smooth customizer, multiple color options, firebase integration, firebase todo integration, firebase crud integration, RTL support, detailed documentation, Google Fonts, 100% responsive layout, clean and well-commented codes, animated gallery, W3C validated code, form wizards, light and dark modes, feather icon, quick search, etc.

All these wonderful features of Endless VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 16.

VueJS Laravel Admin Template

VueJS laravel admin template is built on VueJS, Laravel, and Bootstrap. It comes with multiple features. Some of its features include 7 different layout options, multiple breadcrumb designs, multiple color schemes, detailed documentation, regular updates, fixed menu, centered logo, fixed header, boxed layout, no header, light, and semi-dark versions, etc.

All these features of the VueJS laravel admin template come with a regular license fee of just USD 25.

Material Design | Admin Web App and HTML Template

Material Design is a VueJS admin template. It is a multipurpose template. It comes with many features. Some of its features include Redux store management, React Route V4 integration, SCSS preprocessor for CSS, 13 different colors, 500+ components, lifetime updates, customer support, 6 single page portfolio, Material design with react, material design with angular 4, 12 different color demos, 100+ UI layouts, flexible layout with flexbox, 20+ JS plugins, 3 different home page versions, etc.

All these features of Material Design come with a regular license fee of just USD 20.

DirectView – Directory & Listings Vuejs Site Template

DirectView is a VueJS template. It is specially designed to make any type of directory or listing website. It comes with multiple features. Some of its features include 100% responsive design, admin panel, Google map, listing reviews, 2000+ Icons, Multiple listing list styles, private messages, etc.

All these wonderful features of DirectView VueJS template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 18.

Veltrix – Vuejs Admin & Dashboard Template

Veltrix is a VueJS template. This is one of the best admin and dashboard templates. It comes with many features. Some of its features include light and dark version, W3C validated code, 3 different types of charts, 100% responsive design, Font Icons, multiple layouts, RTL support, Data Tables, Free lifetime updates, SASS integration, Firebase authentication, etc.

Veltrix VueJS template comes with a regular license of just USD 24.

Vue Mobile App Template

Sphinx – Vuejs Material Design Admin Template

Sphinx is a VueJS template. Sphinx is built using modern workflow technologies and tools. It comes with many features. Some of its features include material design concept, clean and elegant design, 100% responsive layout, login/signup page, user profile, mailbox, dashboard, steppers, time pickers, date pickers, dialogs, carousels, avatars, badges, sliders, material cards, Vue-router, Vuex, etc.

All these features of Sphinx VueJS template come with a regular license fee of just USD 26.

Pragmatic – Vue.js Admin Template

Pragmatic is a VueJS template. It comes with many features. Some of its features include 70+ layout combinations, collapsed menu, 80+ page templates, multi-lingual support, 100% responsive layout, crypto dashboard, calendar design, 2000+ font icons, 8 color schemes, 100-page templates, RTL support, light and dark color schemes, SCSS base css, CSS variables, detailed documentation, built-in apps, etc.

All these great features of Pragmatic comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Dorsin – VueJs Landing Page Template

Dorsin is a VueJS template. It is a landing page template that comes with 9 different home page layouts, authentication pages, unlimited color options, and many other features. It is a multipurpose template perfect for a variety of websites including showcase websites, personal or startup websites, agency websites, app product launch websites, etc.

It also has many other features. Some of its features include Font icons, Google fonts, easy customization, clean code, modern design, etc.

It comes with a regular license fee of just USD 19.

Ignity Admin – Bootstrap 4 Vuex Nuxt Dashboard Template

Ignity admin is a VueJS template. It comes with some advanced features. Some of those features include easy component writing Vue, universal code run on server and client, automatic code-splitting, SEO friendly, working authentication, Real database apps, powerful auto-routing, detailed documentation of source code, minify your JS or CSS, the color scheme for the entire project in one file, dual-tone responsive icons, extendable with a modular architecture, real-time changes in development, connect to any backend, 10+ dashboard layouts, etc.

Vue Layout Template

Ignity Admin VueJS template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 29.

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